
I am starting this blog to help to motivate myself even more on this weight loss journey. I started just after Christmas 2009 and I know it will be a long journey but one I lknow will be worth it in the end. This has been a long time coming....

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


I know I have already said it, but I am LOVING the sunshine! Although as I type this it has dropped cool and clouded over, although it's still good for doing my laps round the building at work. I have to check around the building as part of my job any way so I may as well be earning activity points as I go! I once was that bored that I counted that one lap around the building equates to 200 steps. I also counted that my other walks around the building add up to around the same, all these steps soon add up though and get me those activity points! I managed to earn myself 5 yesterday with all the running around at work and then my lovely walk in the sunshine (have I mentioned that I'm loving the sun?!) afterwards.

I needed to pick Mr B up from the train station at 5ish so I decided to walk around a country park called Pugneys that's at the end of the road from work. It's very nice,there's a main lake where they do boating and other water sports, and a smaller one where you can go birdwatching. The path around the main lake is around 1.6 miles long, with my super speedy walking I went round in 30 Min's, was very impressed with myself! I did get very annoyed with all the little flying bugs though, they always appear just when you need to breathe in! Whats all that about?!

After my walk I still had loads of time to waste before Mr B's train got in, so I decided to pop to the supermarket. My friend has been raving about green tea with lemon for ages, so I decided to try some. Now I'm not a tea drinker at all and she'd promised me it doesn't taste like tea but I can still smell a faint whiff of it. I have now had 3 cups of it and am getting used to the taste. I may even go as far as to say I might even like it!

Tea was a very yummy chicken stir fry last night. I have to admit though that I feel like I'm getting bored with eating the same things. Could anyone recommend one of the weight watchers cooking books? There are so many to chose from!

Working a 12 hour day today, so not long left until 7 pm rolls around. It was very short notice though as someone has gone off sick, so I've had to change my plans for this evening. Oh well I'm sure I'll cope!

Lex xx

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